Officer John Jeffries, our WPD liaison for many years, retired March of 2024 amid many good wishes and sad good-byes. The regular March WCPAAA meeting was a night to honor John and thank him for his service and friendship to all WCPAAA members.
WCPAAA President Rich Dahn, described the evening best.
Thank you to all who attended last night. We had 57 members there and I think everyone would agree it was a night to remember.
If you were there, it was a very emotional night and if you weren’t able to make it, please get with a member you know who was there and ask them to describe the event.
I cannot put these emotions into words, but having Linda Morelli there to accept our donation in John’s name to the Tunnels to Towers Foundation was especially moving. I think if there were any second thoughts on whether we were doing the right thing by donating $1,000 to this fund were quickly dismissed as she tearfully came forward to talk to us. It was Lt. Franey’s idea to invite her and it was absolutely perfect and fitting. There is an opportunity for us to contribute even more to this fantastic organization as there is a 5K run/walk on May 19th. You can participate or volunteer to help. More on that later.
We also had guest appearances by Officers Brian Pignatelli, Guy Cerino and Doug Staysniak who told John Jeffries stories and remembrances that were both funny and reflective of the man we have come to love and admire.
Among the best stories was the one Officer Staysniak told about this big drug bust that had John taking the lead on the raid, apprehending what he thought was the bad guy, cursing him out while holding him down at gunpoint, while waiting for backup. Apparently the “criminal” was a pizza delivery guy which brought about much laughter to our members. One mistake in 35+ years is not bad. (John later defended his actions)

John gave his last Liaison report and it was one for the ages. He reflected on his career, his years of service, his relationship with WCPAAA members and his future, which he is still a work in progress. As John said, “we all knew this day was coming” and there were very few dry eyes in the room. It was truly memorable especially when John related a special memory of he and Ofc. Morelli, two old guys, chasing a young linebacker type athlete through the parking lot of a CVS, laughing at how far they were falling behind but finally apprehending him. Young buck patrolmen finally arrived, took the suspect in and John and Tony looked at each other, “Lunch?”

Everyone had a chance to talk to John personally and wish him well. There were plenty of hugs to go around. Anybody else ever hug someone with a Kevlar vest on? We are happy for John, sad for us.

BUT, we move on and look forward to working with Guy Cerino as he finds his way and does his own thing, much as John had to do years ago.

Officer John Jeffries, 35 years of faithful service.
Moving on and leaving us in good hands.
Thank You John!
You will be missed.